
BBC: moyes has refused to 7 teams invited

BBC: moyes has refused to 7 teams invited
According to the BBC, since this year's April 22 by Manchester united fired up to now, the former Manchester united boss David moyes has received an offer from seven different club coach, but he refused.
In took only 10 months after Nuevas Botas 2014 the pointer at the helm of Manchester united, alex ferguson moyes was sacked, although underachieved at Manchester united, but moyes past coaching resume and scores still got a lot of other teams, including the SPL of the celtics, they had wanted to make David moyes to replace outgoing lennon, but moyes, was refused, and in addition to the celtics, there are six other teams to moyes has sent the invitation, but moyes refuses.
When moyes recently in an interview said Nuevas Botas CR7 2014 he regret give up by itself in 10 months after Manchester united: "unfortunately, I had thought I would get more time to succeed."

